Manage lab inventory and orders, all in one place

Digitally manage your inventory and keep your lab organized with order automation and tracking.

Setup your Inventory

Keep your lab organized by managing the locations of all your samples and research materials in one place. Our inventory manager allows you to create a digital replica of your inventory so you can keep track of your lab materials.

Prepare your Lab Materials

Prepare lab materials with inventory manager and automatically update your inventory.

Scan to Locate Items

Locating lab materials has been made easy. Simply scan the item’s barcode to check-in or checkout the item from your inventory.

Easily integrate your inventory and receive updates from Scispot's eln software.

Automate orders so you never run out of what you need

Order Management takes care of reordering materials so you never have to place last minute orders. Set up automated alerts to let you know when items are running low so you know when you can expect to receive a delivery. Track your orders and stay updated so you can greet your package at the door.

Manage and integrate all your chemistry workflows from compound registration, tracking, disposal to reporting all in one spot.

Request a demo to see Scispot in action.