Top 5 Benchling Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

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Top 5 Benchling Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

As labs become more complex, many teams are outgrowing outdated platforms like Benchling. Once recognized for its Plasmid Designer, Benchling expanded into ELN and LIMS features, but this has left many labs frustrated. The platform is often rigid, making it difficult for teams to adapt as their workflows evolve.

Worse yet, Benchling’s notorious data lock-in leaves labs feeling stuck, unable to easily move their valuable information elsewhere. Combined with sharp price hikes each year, it’s no wonder that more and more labs are seeking alternatives that offer true flexibility, better support, and fair pricing. If you’re tired of Benchling’s limitations, here’s a look at the top 10 alternatives for 2024.


Scispot is quickly becoming the go-to choice for labs looking to break free from the limitations of Benchling. With a sleek, modern design, Scispot is built for ease of use and is fully configurable, allowing labs to hit the ground running on day one. No need for lengthy onboarding or adjustments—Scispot is ready to work for you immediately.

What sets Scispot apart is its flexibility and affordability. Unlike Benchling, which can feel rigid and overpriced, Scispot adapts to evolving lab needs. Its powerful integrations with lab instruments and thousands of third-party apps make automation simple, allowing you to streamline your workflows without getting stuck in complicated setups.

Many labs, especially small and mid-sized teams, have already made the switch. Former Benchling users rave about how Scispot better aligns with their budget and gives them room to grow, without the fear of data lock-in or annual price hikes. Scispot’s white-glove support ensures that every lab gets personalized help when they need it, making the transition smooth and worry-free.

For labs looking to stay agile, Scispot provides the advanced tools you need today, with the flexibility to evolve as your work grows. It's more than just an alternative—it’s a solution that puts you back in control.


Dotmatics, owned by venture capital firm Insight Partners, has positioned itself as a serious contender in the ELN/LIMS space by acquiring a range of companies to offer a broad suite of tools for labs. This can be particularly appealing for labs in need of comprehensive solutions, as Dotmatics covers a lot of ground with its offerings in chemistry and biology. For some, having everything under one roof can be a real time-saver, and Dotmatics does provide robust features that cater to the needs of many labs.

However, the rapid expansion has led to issues with integration between their various tools, which can leave labs with disjointed workflows. While Dotmatics’ offerings are comprehensive, they come at a high price, often making smaller labs feel like they’re paying for more than they actually need. Labs might also feel the weight of dealing with a large corporate structure that prioritizes scaling profits over providing the kind of flexibility modern labs demand.

CDD Vault

CDD Vault is often seen as an alternative to Benchling, especially for labs with a strong focus on small molecules. Its chemical registry system has made it a tool for labs needing to manage chemical structures and biological assays, and some teams even use CDD Vault alongside Benchling. While they may use Benchling for large molecules, CDD Vault fills the gap for small molecule management. However, this approach often leaves labs juggling two disconnected systems, which can complicate workflows and data management.

Although CDD Vault covers specific needs, its old interface and limited ELN features make it less appealing for labs looking for a more integrated, modern solution. Moreover, the lack of cloud-native compliance and the difficulties in scaling mean that labs with more complex, growing workflows might feel stuck.


Scinote may work for labs seeking a basic, lite ELN, but it’s far from future-proof. While it’s popular in smaller labs and academic settings, it lacks the robust features and scalability needed for labs with growing or complex workflows. Its limitations in integration and advanced functionality mean that as your lab evolves, Scinote won’t be able to keep up. Labs needing a flexible platform that can adapt to their future needs may quickly outgrow Scinote, making it more of a short-term solution than a lasting one.


LabArchives, owned by Dotmatics, feels like it’s stuck in time, with an interface that hasn’t changed much in over two decades. Although it's used in some academic environments, it offers very little innovation and customization for modern labs. Labs that require more dynamic tools for biotech or pharma research may find themselves limited by its outdated design and lack of flexibility. For those needing more cutting-edge capabilities, LabArchives can feel like an old tool struggling to meet today’s lab demands.


In 2024, labs are no longer willing to compromise on flexibility, affordability, and ease of use. While platforms like Dotmatics, CDD Vault, Scinote, and LabArchives have their strengths, they often come with significant trade-offs—whether it's disjointed tools, outdated interfaces, or limited scalability. For labs seeking a modern, future-proof solution that grows with their needs, Scispot is the clear standout.

With its modern design, seamless integrations, and focus on adaptability, Scispot offers a solution that truly empowers labs, whether they're small teams or large organizations. Unlike rigid, aging platforms, Scispot allows labs to scale effortlessly, without the frustration of data lock-in or skyrocketing costs. It’s more than just an alternative to Benchling—it’s the platform that lets your lab thrive today and in the future.

scispot-is-the-fastest lims-to-implement

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